


Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



Document Type



We frame our experiences as narratives, and associate the narrative with the book. My work takes the form of an immersive installation of printed, paper polyhedrons that act for me as non-traditional book structures. The planes of the polyhedrons function as pages without prescribing a certain order of events. The focus has been to blur the linear narrative into a body of visual work that represents my particular human experience, one full of memories and dreams, contradictions and juxtapositions, chaos and calm. What began as an objective examination of concepts of time in physics, philosophy, and psychology has developed into a thorough exploration into the nature and quality of my own experience. This thesis is written as a personal narrative, describing my exploration into the nature of time and navigating the reader through my creative process, research, personal reflections, and the evolution of my ideas about time. Through a continuous, self-reflective, and sometimes unpredictable process, I have developed a language of imagery that captures the essence of my experience, and I have structured that imagery into an in-the-round installation that envelops the viewer as fully as the process enveloped me. I hope to encourage my audience to more closely and consciously consider the nature of time and its impact on their own work and their own lives. Time is life, time is change, time is memory, and time is self. Without time, there is nothing.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Koptcho, Leslie



Included in

Fine Arts Commons
