


Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Document Type



Over the past four decades, computational power and algorithmic strategies have advanced tremendously resulting in an enormous increase in the key sizes required for secure cryptosystems such as RSA. At the same time, the electronic devices have grown smaller and portable requiring algorithms running on them to be optimized in size and efficiency while providing security, at least, equivalent to that provided on a typical desktop computer. As a result, the industry is moving towards newer cryptosystems such as ECC and NTRU that are well suited for resource constrained environments. While, ECC claims to provide security equivalent to that of RSA for a fraction of key size, NTRU is inherently suited for embedded systems technology. However, implementation of new cryptosystems requires the development of protocols analogous to those developed using older cryptosystems. In this thesis, we fulfill a part of this requirement by providing protocols for Oblivious Transfer using ECC and NTRU. Oblivious Transfer, in turn, has applications in simultaneous contract signing, digital certified mail, simultaneous exchange of secrets, secure multiparty computations, private information retrieval, etc. Furthermore, we introduce the idea of basing Oblivious Transfer on public-key exchange protocols. The presentation in the thesis uses Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, but the scheme is generalizable to any cryptosystem that has a public-key exchange strategy. In fact, our proposal may especially be suited for Quantum Cryptography where the security of key exchange protocols has been proven.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Subhash C Kak


