


Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Document Type



The desire to conceptualize network traffic in a prevailing communication network is a facet for many types of network research studies. In this research, real traffic traces collected over trans-Pacific backbone links (the MAWI repository, providing publicly available anonymized traces) are analyzed to study the underlying traffic patterns. All data analysis and visualization is carried out using Matlab (Matlab is a trademark of The Mathworks, Inc.). At packet level, we first measure parameters such as distribution of packet lengths, distribution of protocol types, and then fit following analytical models. Next, the concept of flow is introduced and flow based analysis is studied. We consider flow related parameters such as top ports seen, duration of the flow, distribution of flow lengths, and number of flows with different timeout values and provide analytical models to fit the flow lengths. Further, we study the amount of data flowing between source-destination pairs. Finally, we focus on TCP-specific aspects of captured traces such as retransmissions and packet round-trip times. From the results obtained, we infer the Zipf-type nature of distribution for number of flows, heavy-tailness of flow sizes and the contribution of well-known ports at packet and flow level. Our study helps a network analyst to farther the knowledge and helps optimize the network resources, while performing efficient traffic engineering.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Rai, Suresh


