Master of Natural Sciences (MNS)
Document Type
With the advent of current education reform, and the introduction of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, the present offerings of the geometry curriculum have become dated. One contribution to remedy this situation is a project by the state of New York called EngageNY. EngageNY is a common core aligned mathematics curriculum across all grades. The EngageNY Geometry Curriculum Module 1 is the basis from which this thesis was developed. It is the purpose of this thesis to present a supplement to the EngageNY Geometry Module 1 Curriculum and to describe why it is advantageous to have such a supplement available. The intention of creating the problems presented in this thesis is to offer a set of high quality practice problems as an additional resource geometry teachers could use to complement their current curriculum. After careful analysis of Module 1of the EngageNY Geometry Curriculum, it became clear that extra practice problems were needed to augment the problem sets offered in each lesson of Module 1. Mathematics is a discipline that requires practice. The problems for this thesis provide a useful enrichment to enhance the EngageNY materials. In addition to extra practice, I believe that all levels of ability should be addressed in the geometry classroom, therefore differentiation played a key role in the development of the practice problems presented in the auxiliary resource materials. And, while EngageNY Geometry Module 1 is comprehensive in its offering of lesson activities, its contribution to providing plenty of assessment items is lacking. The problems developed for this thesis address this problem by providing a number of problems that reflect the current format of Louisiana standardized tests, namely real world application problems and multiple choice items. The enrichment problems presented in this thesis were designed to reflect the ideas portrayed in EngageNY Geometry Module 1. I tried to stay true to the essence of each lesson of Module 1 but also kept in mind my objectives of providing problems for differentiation and application. The analysis of Module 1 began as I read through each lesson before teaching it. Notes were taken on student reactions to the lesson and on the timeliness of the lesson. I then noted whether the problem sets offered in Module 1 were adequate for extra practice and commented on their application to real world situations. During the process of creating the practice problems, it was my aim to produce problems in a format that is highly conducive to learning. To achieve my goals, each problem was designed with an easy to read format, an accompanying diagram and a detailed solution designed to help teachers save time. I hope that this attention to detail will enhance and distinguish this work as a worthwhile, quality resource that will enhance any geometry teacher’s classroom.
Document Availability at the Time of Submission
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Recommended Citation
Griffin, Joanne, "Developing Auxiliary Resource Materials to Support the EngageNY Geometry Curriculum" (2014). LSU Master's Theses. 3349.
Committee Chair
Neubrander, Frank