


Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



Document Type



My goal for the work documented in this paper was to create and install an immersive multimedia environment, using animation and interactivity to express and communicate ideas drawn from personal experience of how people may meet, influence each other and enrich each other’s lives. With my projects over the past few years, I learned that sharing personal stories is a powerful tool for communicating with others. The I MET YOU piece provided the perfect opportunity for me to pull together all my thoughts and tell people who have made difference in my life “I’m so glad I met you.” I sought to communicate my appreciation for all those people. I wanted to tell them that who I am today is a function of my meeting and getting to know them here. And at the same time, I have a hope that the audiences who come to see my work can experience my story and think about their own lives and the people who have affected them. My story is not just one person’s observation, but perhaps reflections that others may share. I want people to be moved and also stimulate the desire to tell others how they feel about them. Since the main theme of my story is a narrative about growth—both internal and external—the central animation is flanked by two “digital books” in which the text, message or meaning expressed on the page changes as the pages are being turned, which is a metaphor for how both we, and our perception of the world itself, changes as we walk in it.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Wei He



Included in

Fine Arts Commons
