


Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Document Type



The thesis develops a graphic interface for a dynamic system simulation implemented in the SIMULINK environment. The dynamic system is a B747-200 modeled as a rigid body with six degrees of freedom. The equations and database of aerodynamic coefficients over the complete flight envelope were provided by NASA’s Langley Research Center for the research project “Aircraft Safety: Managing Control Upsets.” The purpose of the interface is to allow the user to “fly the plane from the keyboard;” i.e., interact with the simulation by manipulating, from the keyboard, the main control surfaces and engine thrust and observing the performance of the plane in a manner similar to the way a pilot sees it from the cockpit. The Graphical Pilot Interface Simulator (GPIS) interface extends the capability of the current simulator [2] and allows the collection of data under conditions that were not readily available before. Moreover, it permits the derivation of linear models around trajectories that are not necessarily steady state conditions, or trimming points. Even though the work is focused to a particular model, the interface techniques developed here are flexible and can be applied to other dynamic simulations. The value of visualization to help communicate results and get better understanding of a model’s behavior is greatly stressed.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Jorge L. Aravena


