


Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (MSIE)


Construction Management

Document Type



While many residential contractors, architects, and home-buyers today are concerned about the environment and interested in sustainable construction technologies, the perceived higher initial costs of innovative materials and methodologies and a lack of life-cycle cost and performance data present significant barriers in the implementation of such techniques. Research regarding an integrated design process has suggested that performance based decision making is key to the successful implementation of sustainable building practices. Therefore, a need exists for the development of whole building design and evaluation models to allow decision making in all phases of a building project. This research seeks information regarding residential framing systems and the corresponding expected energy performance, as well as to present a case-study utilizing the integration of building information modeling and energy simulation. The primary goals of this research are 1) assess the ability of BIM integrated energy simulation modeling to accurately predict the energy performance of a building and 2) compare the predicted energy performance for four different residential framing systems through the integration of BIM, energy simulation and performance monitoring. These research goals will be accomplished through a case-study approach utilizing the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center’s showcase home, known as the LaHouse, which serves as a display of sustainable construction materials and technologies. This research focuses on the integration of design software Autodesk® Revit Architecture with energy simulation modeling. Models based on the LaHouse were created in Autodesk® Revit Architecture and will be used to simulate the energy utilization of four different framing systems: insulated concrete forms, structural insulated panels, advanced framing and standard framing, all of which were used in the construction of LaHouse. The energy utilization obtained by the performance monitoring systems installed in the LaHouse Garage will be compared with simulation results.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Emerald, Roider


