Master of Science (MS)
Document Type
Three field experiments were conducted in a mango orchard in Croix-des-bouquets (Haïti) to develop an effective artisanal McPhail trap, less expensive than the commercial traps, for mass trapping Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) and Anastrepha suspensa (Loew). A field trial conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of two newly made artisanal trap models (AT1 and AT2) with the commercial McPhail trap (MP) demonstrated that the artisanal traps yielded similar results in the average number of fruit flies caught (8.9±2.6, 13±2.9, and 16±4.1 respectively). Moreover, the cost-efficacy ratio was a lot higher in the artisanal trap models (AT1: 0.42 $ per flies caught, AT2: 0.28 $ per flies, and MP: 0.69 $ per flies), even if the total number of fruit flies was higher in the commercial trap (319 flies) compared to the others (AT1: 178 flies and AT2: 253 flies). Another field trial conducted in the same mango orchard compared a density of 24 McPhail traps per ha to 36 traps/ha using the most cost-effective artisanal trap, and revealed that they were not different in number of fruit flies caught (AT2: 236 flies and MP: 239 flies). In addition, the capture rate of Anastrepha spp. in both trap densities had a similar increasing trend line throughout the mango fruiting season. To determine an optimal trap density for the artisanal trap (AT2) under mass trapping conditions, a field experiment assessed six different trap densities (4, 8, 12, 16, 24, and 36 traps/ha), and suggested that a density of 25 traps/ha could protect the mango orchard from the growing phase to the maturation phase of mango fruits. However, analysis of fruit fly data available throughout the year suggested that trapping density should be increased during the ripening phase, when the Anastrepha spp. density reach their peak in this orchard. These findings indicated that cost-effective artisanal trap models can be developed to substitute the expensive commercial traps for implementation of fruit fly control programs with mass trapping methods.
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Recommended Citation
Mertilus, Fractyl, "Effectiveness of an Artisanal McPhail Trap for Mass Trapping Tephritid Fruit Flies in Haiti" (2015). LSU Master's Theses. 3208.
Committee Chair
Schowalter, D. Timothy