


Master of Science (MS)


Environmental Sciences

Document Type



Trees are an essential element in a healthy urban community. They provide many benefits if they are properly managed and maintained throughout their lives. In order to accomplish this, urban forestry programs need to be established and there needs to be a good support system within the city. The objectives of this study are to identify key factors that may influence public support for urban forestry programs and to examine the role of nonprofit organizations in building support for and implementing urban forest programs. Surveys of Baton Rouge, Louisiana residents were conducted to identify the variables that are associated with residents’ willingness to pay for urban forestry programs. Survey responses indicated that that a desire to maintain a healthy environment for future generations is consistently associated with willingness to pay for urban forestry enhancement efforts and that support from the general public can be better obtained when people are aware of the benefits they will receive from properly planted trees. A street tree inventory also was conducted to estimate the benefits that the existing trees provide to residents of the Old South Baton Rouge community and how a nonprofit organization such as Baton Rouge Green can facilitate the effectiveness of a city’s urban forestry program. These findings demonstrate that nonprofit organizations are a strong component of urban forestry because they can help to educate the public, bring the community together and plant the right tree in the right place to obtain optimal benefits.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Reams, Margaret Anne


