


Master of Natural Sciences (MNS)


Natural Sciences (Interdepartmental Program)

Document Type



The purpose of this thesis was to create a non-traditional Advanced Mathematics course paired with Math XL® for School (MXL) for senior-level students with low ACT Math scores. The Advanced Math course was created with the purpose of helping students increase their ACT Math scores and preparing them for first-year college math, College Algebra. The course was taught at a private high school in Louisiana for the 2014-2015 school year and is attached to this thesis as an appendix. Upon completion of this course, the participating students achieved an average increase of 3.1 points in their ACT Math scores. After a review of the ACT score data for the graduating class of 2014 in Louisiana, it is clear that a course of this design is a necessity for college readiness. This thesis discusses the aforementioned ACT data and the statistics on the number of students who enroll in and complete remedial college courses. Additionally, the thesis discusses the creation of the Advanced Math course and its resources, a description of the course, and a brief description of a few other ACT preparation programs. The appendix of this thesis includes Binder #1, which contains the blank resources for notes, test reviews, and chapter tests that students use throughout the school year. This binder also contains a tentative calendar for the year and a description of each chapter and section. Binder #2 contains the teacher edition of Binder #1 and is not included in the appendix. Binder #3 and Binder #4 contain the MXL assignments for the ACT Prep fall semester and the Pre-College Algebra spring semester. Like Binder #2, these binders are not included in the appendix but are available upon request.



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Committee Chair

Neubrander, Frank


