


Master of Arts (MA)



Document Type



My work is a culmination of my studies of graphic design methods and principles, including the extensive research I have completed on Louisiana and the city of New Orleans. I created a large-scale poster series of information graphics that explores the main cultural characteristics and statistics of the parishes in Louisiana of which I was raised. The series contains two types of graphics, a website, and a QR code system. A QR code is a matrix barcode that is readable by QR scanners, mobile phones with cameras, and smartphones. The QR codes I created link the viewer to specific websites related to the information on display. The placement of the QR codes brings in a useable application to the design. The two types of graphics consist of one being purely illustrative and the other based off-of statistics and graphs. The illustrations contain iconographic designs that focus on the main attractions and cultural icons of the city, while the other information systems are based on statistics such as the parish’s population, income, sales, and land area. I focused on the three main parishes where I was raised for the statistical infographics. They were all based on the same information so that they are easily comparable to one another. The system I developed is large in scale, filled with visual abstractions, and allows for communication between the diagram and the audience. It is very important to me that my audience can visually enjoy my work and has the opportunity to interact with it as well. I have created graphic visual representations of data that present complex information rapidly and clearly. My work has allowed me to cross language barriers and inform viewers on the history of Louisiana.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Barr, Courtney


