


Master of Arts (MA)



Document Type



There is constant debate over mathematics education in the United States. One central controversy is whether or not the current methods used to teach students mathematics are effective. Some scholars believe that students are not getting enough practice and that they are not getting a good conceptual understanding of mathematics. It has been shown that mathematics equations are rich in patterns and inter-relationships and when children understand these relationships they have higher mathematic skill levels than their peers who do not. This study examined the effectiveness of using an empirically supported, fast paced mastery oriented teaching procedure that promotes automaticity and fluency while also addressing a conceptual understanding of mathematics. Participants were general education students in the first grade referred for mathematics assistance. In Experiment one, a constant time delay procedure was used to teach the students a set number of single digit addition and subtraction facts with integrated mathematical relationships. In Experiment two, constant time delay was used again to teach the participants 18 single digit addition problems. Effectiveness and efficiency of teaching conditions were evaluated. The results of experiment one are inconclusive with only one participant being able to continue through the whole experiment and little change in her data. However, experiment two demonstrated that the children were able to learn simple addition facts using a constant time delay procedure.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

George H. Noell



Included in

Psychology Commons
