


Master of Natural Sciences (MNS)


Natural Sciences (Interdepartmental Program)

Document Type



This thesis discusses the importance and benefits of subject acceleration for mathematically gifted students. The objective was to create an accelerated mathematics curriculum for mathematically gifted students by combining the Math 6 and Math 7 EngageNY curricula and adapting these curricula to meet the needs of my gifted students. This curriculum is to be implemented in a gifted classroom, which allows students to be on an accelerated path in mathematics. This thesis focuses on the Accelerated Mathematics 6 program implemented for 15 sixth grade gifted and scholastic academy students at Woodlawn Middle School, a school located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Appendix A of this thesis provides the adapted EngageNY curriculum called Accelerated Mathematics 6 that I created as part of this thesis project. The Accelerated Mathematics 6 curriculum is comprised of six modules that incorporate sixth and seventh grade CCSS. This curriculum includes teacher and student materials. The teacher materials provide opening exercises, discussions, examples, exercises, extensions, closings, exit tickets, and problem sets. All answers are provided. Therefore, the teacher materials are designed to provide an outline of the course for the entire year. The student materials include guided notes to be given to students. These notes include blank copies of opening exercises (if applicable), examples, exercises, exit tickets, and problem sets for each lesson. In addition, a suggested pacing guide for the year is provided as well as module overviews, table of contents, and mid-module and end-of-module assessments.



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Committee Chair

Neubrander, Frank


