


Master of Science (MS)


Geography and Anthropology

Document Type



The purpose of this study is to determine the ideal planting density for trapping sediment as a means for determining the most economic and efficient means of foredune development. Research was conducted along the Texas Gulf Coast, within Padre Island National Seashore over a two week period. Four pegboards were aligned perpendicular to oncoming wind direction. Artificial and natural vegetation were plugged into the pegboard at incremental increases in 5% vegetation cover using volumetric measures of both plant types. Both natural and artificial vegetation reduce wind speed proportionately higher between 30% and 50% vegetation density. Natural vegetation has a higher momentum flux compared to the artificial vegetation, however; the rate of change between the two is proportional. This suggests the artificial vegetation may act as a more ideal proxy for natural vegetation rather than solid elements. The sediment flux rate for natural vegetation showed a 90% reduction at a planting density of 18%. This is likely to be the lower limit of vegetation planting for foredune development. The low result in required percent cover for vegetation is likely a function of the low wind speeds experienced throughout the study period and it is suggested that a higher planting density be utilized.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Patrick Hesp


