Application of mechanistic models in predicting flow behavior in deviated wells under UBD conditions
Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering (MSPE)
Petroleum Engineering
Document Type
Underbalanced drilling (UBD) has increased in recent years because of the many advantages associated with it. These include increase in the rate of penetration and reduction of lost circulation and formation damage. Drilling of deviated and horizontal wells also increased since recovery can be improved from a horizontal or a deviated well. The drilling of deviated wells using UBD method will reduce several drilling related problems such as hole cleaning and formation damage. Prediction of flow and pressure profiles while drilling underbalanced in such wells will help in designing and planning of the well. The main aim of this research is to study and model the effect of well deviation on pressure and flow profile in the drillstring and the annulus under UBD conditions through the use of mechanistic two phase flow models. Specifically, a current model is modified to include effects of wellbore deviation. Simulation results are compared with data from a deviated well drilled with UBD technology.
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Recommended Citation
ALAdwani, Faisal Abdullah, "Application of mechanistic models in predicting flow behavior in deviated wells under UBD conditions" (2003). LSU Master's Theses. 2399.
Committee Chair
Jeremy K. Edwards