


Master of Science (MS)



Document Type



Recent work by Tschakovsky & Hughson (Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 279: H1007, 2000) indicates that venous emptying serves as a stimulus for vasodilation. This suggests the importance of recognizing the potential influence of venous volume on reactive hyperemic blood flow (RHBF) following occlusion. Purpose: To examine the influence of venous emptying on RHBF. Methods: Non-dominant forearm in-flow, venous capacitance and outflow were examined in 21 individuals [age=23±2.27y]. Forearm arterial inflow, venous capacitance, and outflow were obtained two times using strain gauge plethysmography. Forearm blood inflow was estimated at rest and following 5 min of upper arm occlusion. Forearm venous capacitance and outflow were obtained following 5 min of upper arm venous occlusion pressure at 7 mmHg below diastolic blood pressure. Prior to the second measure the arm was passively elevated for 2 minutes. Immediately before returning the arm to its original position the upper arm cuff was again inflated to 240mmHg. Subsequently, RHBF and venous measures were obtained. Results: Average resting in-flow was 2.84±1.22 ml/100ml/min. RHBF was significantly greater following venous emptying (Before: 18.15±3.80; After: 23.70±5.93 ml/100ml/min, p=0.0001). Venous capacitance was also greater (Before: 1.96±0.82; After: 2.94±0.82 %, p=0.0001), whereas venous outflow (Before: 37.06±10.50; After: 39.00±10.72 ml/100ml/min, p=0.17) remained unaffected after venous emptying. Summary: Venous emptying prior to upper arm occlusion results in a significant greater RHBF response and venous capacitance. A potential explanation for the observation is a decrease in the pressure gradient across the tissue bed and/or withdrawal of the venoarteriolar reflex constriction.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

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Committee Chair

Michael Welsch



Included in

Kinesiology Commons
