


Master of Science (MS)


Animal Science (Animal, Dairy, and Poultry Sciences)

Document Type



Bakso is a finely comminuted boiled Indonesian meat product that is traditionally made of starch, salt and emulsified prerigor or early postmortem meat and often sold from street vendors. Recently processors have begun to commercially manufacture bakso. This research was conducted to investigate the substitution of early postmortem meat with postrigor meat to allow more efficient manufacturing and raw material procurement. The first experiment was to determine the properties of bakso with three tapioca starch concentrations added to early or late postmortem beef. No differences (p<0.05) were observed in bakso properties of composition and texture, though bakso made of post-rigor meat had slightly less elasticity, strength and shear. These disadvantages were compensated by incorporating 15% starch concentration, indicating that the replacement of early postmortem meat with postrigor meat was applicable in industrial mass production of bakso. The second phase of experiments was to investigate the properties of bakso with different frozen storage times of raw postrigor meat and after different times of frozen storage for bakso made from postrigor and early postmortem meat. Postrigor meat substitution for early postmortem meat in bakso with 15% tapioca starch resulted in minimum composition and textural differences (p>0.05). Meat stored frozen for 2 and 4 months was still suitable as raw material for bakso production. The decreased oxidative stability in bakso made from postrigor meat after frozen storage of 2 and 4 months should be addressed with antioxidant ingredients or procedures to minimize potential off-flavors of the precooked bakso products stored frozen.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Kenneth W. McMillin


