


Master of Science (MS)


Agricultural Economics

Document Type



A national web survey was used to collected data from 253 households in the United States. Choice-based conjoint analysis was used to investigate which packaging and labeling attributes U.S. consumers consider important when choosing 100% fruit juices, and to estimate their willingness-to-pay. The attributes were packaging material, nutritional and health claims, presence of organic ingredients and whether the product was produced locally. Factor analysis, cluster analysis and a median split technique were used to identify market segments based on consumer preferences, behavior, and lifestyles. Differences between the segments were analyzed. A conditional logit model was used to estimate relative of importance and willingness-to-pay for the different attributes. Results from the study show that consumers place positive values on, and are willing to pay a premium of ($1.04) for the Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottle, and ($0.29) more for the no sugar added claim. Consumers with high environmental interests were more likely to pay a premium for a fruit juice with organic ingredients and a nutritional index on the label. High information seekers are willing to pay ($0.13) more for the nutritional index, compared to ($0.05) that low information seeker will pay. Younger people are willing to pay more for local products and more than double ($1.41) of what older people will pay ($0.67) for a PET bottle.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Harrison, Robert W.


