


Master of Arts (MA)


Linguistics (Interdepartmental Program)

Document Type



Presented within this thesis, I have analyzed a particular TV broadcast news discourse called Korean Hurricane Media Discourse (KHMD), which was presented online from YTN, a Korean cable TV news station. The data presents the topic of the Korean refugees who were forced to evacuate to Baton Rouge from New Orleans, after facing the destructions of Hurricane Katrina on August 2005. The methods are Ron Scollon’s TV news frames (1998), van Dijk’s superstructure (1988a and 1988b) and macrostructure (1980), Allan Bell’s news structure (1991), Dell Hymes’s SPEAKING model (1974), and Erving Goffman’s frameworks (1986). Since KHMD is a spoken, plannable TV news discourse along with written text presented on the Internet, chapter two discusses the relationships between spoken and written discourse, and between planned and unplanned discourse. In addition, the relationship between discourse and culture is manifested because of Korean cultural concepts in the data. Chapter three discusses media culture in Korea and the relationship between media and discourse. KHMD is analyzed by Scollon’s three frames. Chapter four shows a comparison of Bell’s with van Dijk’s news schema and macro-analysis in translation. KHMD is contextualized in terms of Dell Hymes’s SPEAKING model in chapter five. Finally, chapter six demonstrates that Goffman’s frame analysis helps to understand particular events. As a result, he provides two frameworks. Hurricane Katrina can be interpreted as a natural framework; and can also be represented as a social (cultural) framework, otherwise know as Dong-po-ae (Brotherhood), a topic presented by KHMD.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Jill Brody



Included in

Linguistics Commons
