


Master of Arts (MA)


Mass Communication

Document Type



Despite significant and constantly increasing volume of social media use by both individuals and corporate entities, scarce scholastic attention has been paid to practices undertaken by companies and organizations in creating presence on social media, managing social media accounts and communicating with constituents on social media. New social media platforms appear regularly, attracting millions of daily visitors, however, this new type of communication media still lacks in-depth analysis, which would provide guidelines to be used by corporate entities to make their presence on social media most effective. This study makes the first step to analyze possible relationships between companies’ practices on social media and their size. It examines differences in companies’ social media adoption and activity on social media, marketing information provided on various types of social media, as well as communication strategies used, based on company size. This study finds significant differences in practices companies undertake on social media, based on company size, including social media adoption rates, activity on social media, as well as marketing information provided on the social media platforms. Overall, this study provides updated information about social media adoption by corporate entities, new insight into companies’ activity on various social media platforms, as well as overall picture of communication strategies used. This study also makes suggestions for improving companies’ representation on most popular social media platforms, making it easier for the general audience to find company social media pages, and increasing authenticity and consistency online.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Jeong, Yongick


