Vulgar Remedies
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Document Type
Shipman, Christopher, B. A., English, Arkansas State University, 2006 Master of Fine Arts, Spring Commencement, 2009 Major, Creative Writing Vulgar Remedies Thesis directed by Professor Laura Mullen Pages in Thesis: 106. Words in abstract: 124. ABSTRACT This collection explores myth creation in the context of love relationships and the loss encountered there. The poems illuminate the transformations individuals situated in love relationships undergo. Whether romantic or platonic, directed toward a person or toward a place, individuals experiencing love experience a transformative state of mental being from which a heightened understanding of the world around them can occur. The question implied throughout: what can sadness teach us? The answer: an explicit transformation. Mental destruction, as with physical destruction, essentially leads us to creation. From this exploration a widened notion of family and love are possible, as well as a speaker who is constantly redefining his world and an awareness of the machinery necessary for poetry both within the poem and without.
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Recommended Citation
Shipman, Christopher Randall, "Vulgar Remedies" (2009). LSU Master's Theses. 1281.
Committee Chair
Laura Mullen