Master of Mass Communication (MMC)
Mass Communication
Document Type
The growing usage of social media indicates a potentially effective new platform for advertisers. However, little academic research examines how advertisers use these platforms for marketing and communications. This study sought to provide an analysis of current commercial social media usage by conducting interviews at a digital creative agency and full-service agency, in addition to conducting a statewide online survey of advertising professionals. Results indicated that advertisers use social media differently than they do traditional forms of advertising media. In the current digital media environment, advertisers must provide value or an added benefit to the consumer to gain their attention. Furthermore, companies should view social media platforms as long-term investments and, in doing so, invest time and resources to developing and sustaining them. Finally, whether or not a brand chooses to participate in social media, every company should understand these networks and use them for their researching capabilities. The results of this study not only provide background on social media usage in advertising, but also provide valuable insight for current practitioners and help reduce the academician-practitioner gap.
Document Availability at the Time of Submission
Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.
Recommended Citation
Mabry, Emily Fay, "Engaging audiences: an analysis of social media usage in advertising" (2010). LSU Master's Theses. 1192.
Committee Chair
Porter, Lance