


Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME)


Mechanical Engineering

Document Type



Development of protocols for storing desiccated cells at ambient temperatures offers tremendous economic and practical advantages over traditional storage procedures such as cryopreservation and freeze-drying. An integrated frame work of experimentation and modeling is adopted in the present work to develop procedures for storage of adult stem cells at ambient temperature. As a first step, we have measured the post-rehydration membrane integrity of two passages, Passage-0 (P0) and Passage-1 (P1), of human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs). hASCs were dried using a convective stage at three different drying rates (slow, moderate and rapid) in D-PBS with trehalose (50 mM) and glycerol (384 mM). After drying the ASCs were stored for 48 hrs, in three different conditions: i) at ambient temperature, ii) in plastic bags at ambient temperature and iii) in vacuum sealed plastic bags at ambient temperature. Post-rehydration membrane integrity was assessed after incubating the rehydrated ASCs. Also, the understanding of the entire drying procedure was extended by theoretically developing a novel ultrasound resonant sensor capable of quantifying the rate of water loss in real time. The sensor has been modeled as a conservative beam system and accounts for the effect on the fundamental frequency due to change in mass during drying when excited by ultrasound.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Ram Devireddy


