Master of Arts (MA)
Political Science
Document Type
This paper presents research on the influence of psychological factors on the outcome of mediation attempts. The research utilizes a base-line model as proposed by Bercovitch, where mediator strategy and mediation outcome result from antecedent contextual inputs and the current mediation process. In addition to these established factors, relevant psychological variables are tested through the Med97 dataset. The case list consists of mediation attempts determined by the involvement of a single mediator and a single negotiator for each side, which allows for the investigation of the effects of the mediator’s and the negotiator’s psychological characteristics. The psychological characteristics investigated in this paper are derived from Hermann’s work on traits and Walker et al.’s work on the operational code. Variables are coded using Profiler Plus, a software program that does automated coding. The analyses demonstrate that some of the psychological variables tested have significant effects on mediator strategy and mediation outcome. Mediator self-confidence, task focus, and distrust reach either a traditional level of significance or a suggestive level of significance for explaining mediator strategy or mediation outcome. These tests suggest that future mediation research should incorporate appropriate psychological variables in order to properly model the interpersonal dynamics of mediation.
Document Availability at the Time of Submission
Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.
Recommended Citation
Galliano, Joshua Paul, "The role of personal characteristics in international mediations" (2002). LSU Master's Theses. 1127.
Committee Chair
Mark Schafer