Theses/Dissertations from 1966
Effects of Five Insecticides on the Oxygen Consumption of the Bluegill Sunfish, Lepomis Macrochirus., Bobby Floyd Dowden
The Social Context of Academic Freedom., John Philip Drysdale
Some Classes of Continua Related to Clan Structures., Carl Allan Eberhart
Quantitative Nematode-Root Relations in Rice and Cotton., Mostafa Sayed Embabi
Effects of Growth Regulating Chemicals and Temperature on Pollen Germination, Fruit Set and Production in Lycopersicon Esculentum., William Wright Etzel
Divisor Matrices in the Cayley Ring., Charles Julius Feaux Jr
The Continuity Images in the Dreams and Voyages of Leconte De Lisle's 'Poemmes Barbares'., William Munson Felsher
Some Immunochemical Aspects Between Anaplasma Marginale and Plasmodium Sp., John Francis Finerty
Cultural Determinants of the Effectiveness of American Executives Abroad., Richard John Fleming
Part I. The Life History of Amphibromus Scabrivalvis in Louisiana. Partii. Some Studies of the Autecology and Chemical Composition of Amphibromus Scabrivalvis., Wayne Thomas Flinchum
Middle Allegheny Paleogeography in Eastern Ohio., Romeo Marzo Flores
Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Catholicism, 1932-1936., George Quitman Flynn
Edwin Sanders Richardson, Educator., Robert L. Frye
An Evaluation of Selected Factors Influencing the Location of Additional Sulfate Pulp Processing Facilities in Northwest Louisiana., Homer Reynolds Gardner
The 'Heroe Fracasado' in the Novels of Unamuno, Baroja and Azorin., Janice Donnell Glascock
Pecten Perplanus Stock (Oligocene) of Southeastern United States., Lloyd Neil Glawe
Milton, the Man, the Poet, the Philosopher: a Study in Patterns of Miltoncriticism From 1640 to 1700., Moriece Gleason
A History of Six Spanish Verbs Meaning 'To Take, Seize, Grasp'., Bobby Ray Glover
Aggregation and Solubilization Properties of Decyl, Dodecyl and Tetradecyl Quaternary Ammonium Salts., Joseph William Goerner
Origins of Expression: Principal Sources of Samuel Silas Curry's Theory of Expression., Paul Havener Gray
The Perception - Retention of Fire Prevention Messages: an Aspect of Communication Research., Benjamin Eugene Griessman
The Ku Klux Klan in Louisiana, 1920-1930., Kenneth Earl Harrell
Yield and Chemical Analyses of Fruit Produced by Selected Deer-Browse Plants in a Loblolly-Shortleaf Pine-Hardwood Forest., Eugene Frank Hastings
Characterization of the Lipids of Three Serotypes of Leptospira., Richard Jack Hidalgo
The Predictability of Behavior: a Methodological Study., Lester Douglas Hornsby Jr
The Activity and Other Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrochloric Acid in Monoglyme - Water Mixtures., David Alfred Johnson
Some Effects of Variety, Maturity, and Storage on Fatty Acids in Fruit Pericarp of Lycopersicon Esculentum, Mill., Paul Penn Kapp
Thinning Methods in Slash Pine Plantations., Thomas Dwight Keister
The Effects of Four Training Programs on the Acquisition of Speed and Accuracy in Motor Performance., James Edward Kennison
The Effects of Various Exercise Programs Involving Different Amounts of Exercise on the Development of Certain Components of Physical Fitness., Ronald F. Kirby
1. Correlations of Electronic Effects of Substituents With Nmr Spectra. 2. Addition Reactions of Cis, Trans-1,5-Cyclodecadiene and Cis-Cyclodecene and Trans-Cyclodecene., George Albert Knesel III
The Differential Elastic Scattering of 3.15 Mev Neutrons by Aluminum, Sulphur, Vanadium and Cobalt., Roy Anthony Lambert
The Effect of a Second Order Chemical Reaction on the Absorption of Methyl Mercaptan in a Laminar Liquid Jet., Joseph Earl Landry
The Aspiring Clown of Wallace Stevens: a Study of 'The Comedian as the Letter C' as Preliminary Statement., George Stephan Lensing Jr
Germination and Outgrowth of the Azotobacter Cyst., Liang-ping Lin
The Freshwater Tricladida of the Florida Parishes of Louisiana., William Douglas Longest
Optimum Number, Size, and Location of Multiple Product Vegetable Processing Establishments in South Central Louisiana., Jose Edgar Lopez
Forms of Inorganic Phosphorus in Louisiana Soils and Their Transformationunder Waterlogged Conditions., Ishwar Chandra Mahapatra
Employment Opportunities in Professional Agricultural Careers in Louisiana., Clarence Elbert Manasco
An Analysis of the Social Responsibilities of Business Managers., Van cook Mcgraw
Existentialism and Inauthenticity in the Theater of Beckett, Ionesco, Andgenet., Mary Seawell Metz
Relationship of Boron to Nutrient Element Uptake and Yield of Cotton on Selected Soils in Arkansas., Woody N. Miley
The Effects of Three Programs of Long Distance Running and an Isometric Exercise Program on the Development of Cardiovascular Efficiency., George Cohle Milton
Studies on Corynebacterium Enzymicum (Mellon) Eberson., Rathin Mitra
A Study on the Precipitation of Calcium as Calcium-Fluoride., Raul Morales
With Firm Address: a Critical Study of 26 Shorter Poems of E. A. Robinson., Ronald Wesson Moran Jr
The Presidential Executive Order as an Instrument for Policy-Making., Ruth Lorene prouse Morgan
Acanthocephala of Louisiana Birds., Brent B. Nickol
An Examination of Revenue Recognition Principles., Eugene Adolph Nini
Studies in Molecular Spectroscopy I. On the Multiplicities of Phosphorescent States of Organic Molecules, II. Polarization of the Absorption of Uranyl-Nitrate Hexahydrate Single Crystal, IIi. The Electronic Structure of the Sulfur-Sulfur Bond., Charles Michael O'donnell
A Critical Variorum Edition of Owen Felltham's 'Resolves.' (Volumes I-III)., Ted-larry Pebworth
A Decomposition Theory for Rings of Operators., Edward A. Pedersen
A Critical Study of the Life and Writings of Sidonie De La Houssaye With Special Emphasis on the Unpublished Works., Joseph John Perret
John Donne's Use of Proverbs in His Poetry., Arthur William Pitts Jr
Genetic Behaviour of Spikelet Length, Spikelet Breadth and Plant Height in Cultivated Rice (Oryza Sativa) in the F3 Generation., Premsukh Poonai
Growth and Chromogenesis of Corynebacterium Equi and Corynebacterium Hoagii., Ishwar Saran Pradip
The Geomorphology of Beach Ridges in Tabasco, Mexico., Norbert Phillip Psuty
A Study of Solubilization Phenomena., Earl Louis Pye
The Determination of Nitrate., T. P. Ramachandran
Thermal Properties of Cryogen Frozen Foods and Changes Occurring at Sub-Zero Temperatures., Ramachandra M. r Rao
Control of Distribution Costs Through the Use of Standards., Letricia Gayle Rayburn
The Influence of Dalcroze Eurhythmics in the Contemporary Theatre., Clark Mccormack Rogers
The Activity and Other Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrochloric Acid in Tetrahydrofuran - Water Mixtures., Rabindra Nath Roy
Paleoecological Analysis of Cheilostome Bryozoa From Venezuela - British Guiana Shelf Sediments., James Bivin Rucker
New Methods for the Determination of Trace Quantities of Vanadium., Sham Lal Sachdev
An Attitudinal Study of Funeral Customs in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana: a Sociological Analysis., Jerome Joseph Salomone
The Conductivity-Viscosity Relationship in the System: Sodium Tetrabutylaluminate-Cyclohexane-Nujol., Robert Norton Sanders
An Analysis of Department Store Hour Practices and Consumer Preferences for Hours in 14 Louisiana Cities., Dorothy H. Sandham
The Evolution of a Concept: 'Gentilesse' in Chaucer's Poetry., Willene Schaefer
Age Differences in Biographical Inventories- A Factor Analytic Study., Eugene Schmuckler
Samuel S. Murphy: Superintendent of the Mobile Public Schools From 1900-1926., Frank Schneider
Counselee Attitudes Toward the Counseling Process in Selected Florida Junior Colleges., Eveleen Lorton Shriner
Effect of Environment and Harvest Methods on the Quality of Sugarcane., Sukhdev Singh
Determination and Optimization of System Response., Cecil Loyd Smith Jr
Analysis of Selected Values in Physical Education as Identified by Professional Personnel., Dale William Spence
Personality Variation Among Criminals and Psychiatric Patients Relative to Their Immaturity Level., Velma Jean Spruill
Shakespeare's Use of the Sea., Tony Jason Stafford
Investigations in Psychotherapy and Verbal Conditioning With Conjugately Programmed Social Reinforcement., Tommy T. Stigall
A Comparison of Different Methods of Adjustment for the Effects of Age, Sex of Calf, and Age of Dam on Weaning Weight., John Silas Sullivan Jr
The Relation of Pectic Substances and Starch to Consistency and Moistnessof Sweet Potatoes., Homer Dale Swingle
An Appraisal of Accreditation of Teacher Education in Louisiana., James Q. Sylvest
The Phoenix and the Urn: the Literary Theory and Criticism of Cleanth Brooks., Anthony G. Tassin
Une Etude Des Theories Theatrales D'artaud: Influences, Predecesseurs. (French Text)., Franco Tonelli
Historical Geography of Southern New Jersey as Related to Its Colonial Ports., Roger Thomas Trindell
Relationships Between Endogenous Thyroxine, Total Red Cell Volume, and Urinary Creatinine in Sheep., Karel Vohnout
Forest, Forge, and Farm: an Historical Geography of the Musconetcong Valley, New Jersey., Peter Oscar Wacker
Some Expectative Aspects of Income Recognition Related to Asset Valuation., John Murray Wannamaker
Ecology of the Maize Weevil, Sitophilus Zeamais (Motschulsky), Relative to Flight Habits, Attraction to Sunflowers, and Two Hymenopterous Parasites., Roger Neal Williams
Haiti, a Case Study of an Underdeveloped Area., Roland Wingfield
On Homeomorphisms of Infinite Dimensional Product Spaces., Raymond Yen-tin Wong
A Rhetorical Study of the Cotton Advocacy of James Thomas Heflin, 1904-1920., Gordon Allan Yeomans
Aspects of Early Allegheny Depositional Environments in Eastern Ohio., Ronald K. Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
The Bacterial Catabolism of 2-Methylalanine Characteristics of the Enzyme 2-Methylalanine Decarboxylase., Halvor Gunerius Aaslestad
Inheritance of Fiber Strength and Fiber Elongation in F3 of a Cross Between Two Varieties of Upland Cotton., Hosni A. Abdel-nabi
Inheritance of Fiber Strength and Fiber Elongation in F 3 of a Cross Between Two Varieties of Upland Cotton., Hosni Abdel-khalek Abdel-nabi
Leg Strength and Height - Weight Factors in Relation to Cardiovascular Efficiency of College Women., Samia Hanem ahmed Abdo
Electronic Spectroscopy of Composite Heterocyclic Molecules, Effect of Intramolecular H-Bonding., Rafie Hassan a Abu-eittah