Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Wind-Driven, Near-Bottom Currents Over the West Louisiana Inner Continental Shelf., Richard Larry Crout
Models for the Economic Allocation of Sampling Inspection Effort in Multi-Stage Production Systems., Hassan Dabbaghi
Rydberg States of Polyatomic Molecules: Multichannel Approaches for the Simple Halides., John Arthur Dagata
The Use of the Grotesque in the Plays of Edward Bond., Ann Marie Demling
El Tema De La Esclavitud en Novelas Representativas De La Literatura Cubana Y Brasilena Del Siglo Xix. (Spanish Text)., Maria De jesus paez c De ruiz
Bioavailability of Iron in Beef and Beef-Soybean Mixtures., Felipe Diez
A History of Louisiana's Rural Electric Cooperatives, 1937-1983., Gary Alan Donaldson
Xps Characterization of Supported Iron/Ruthenium Carbon Monoxide Hydrogenation Catalyst Systems., Jeffry T. Donner
A Study of the Reading and Speaking Fundamental Vocal Frequency of Aging Black Adults., Charlotte Anne Ducote
Administrative Support of Library Programs in Selected Public Elementary Schools in Louisiana., Marjorie Jane Ducote
John Brown Gordon: Soldier, Southerner, American. (Volumes I and II) (Georgia)., Ralph Lowell Eckert
The Effects of Acute Dehydration on the Anaerobic Threshold During Incremental Cycle Ergometer Exercise., Penelope England
Toward the Development of a Model to Evaluate the Effect of the Accelerated Cost Recovery System of Depreciation as Enacted by the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 on State of Florida Corporate Tax Revenues., Chula Greenwell Ensley
The Vroom-Yetton Model of Decision Making: an Empirical Evaluation in Applied Settings., Elizabeth Shoenfelt Erffmeyer
An Evaluation of the Substance Abuse Prevention in Education Team Training Program., Carolyn Janet Felter
The Lifestyle of Merchant Seamen: a Sociological Analysis of Occupationally Induced Marginality., Craig Joseph Forsyth
Molecular Cloning of Sugarcane Mosaic Virus Complementary-Dna: Use as a Probe for the Detection of Virus Infection and Viral-Rnas., Roy Chester French
Relationship Between Gene Frequencies and Indices of Physiological Stress in the Estuarine Gastropod, Thais Haemastoma., David Wendell Garton
Effects of Teachers' Use of Mastery Learning Techniques on the Minimum Competency Test Performance of Rural Second-Grade Students (Louisiana)., Betty Becker Gatipon
Morphologic Lesions, Hematological and Immunological Responses and Neutrophil Functions in Fetal, Neonatal and Adult Sheep Infected With Brucella Abortus., Sammy Lee Gorham
The Ethno-Archaeology of the Houma Indians, Bryan L. Guevin
The Mediational Role of Social Influence in the Perception of Exertion., Charles Jeffrey Hardy
The Methodological Foundations of Law and Economics., Will Carrington Heath
Competitive Environment, Business Strategy, and Organization Structure: an Analysis of Firm Performance., Masoud Hemmasi
A Study of Reading Achievement in Terms of Symbol Reversals in First Grade Children (Louisiana)., Bernard Leon Heydorn
Survival of Vibrio Cholerae, Biotype E1 Tor, Serotype Inaba in Seafoods., Arthur Hinton Jr
A Temporal View of the Turnover Process: Application of a Repeated Measures Design to Two Models of Nurse Turnover., Albert Willard Holland Jr
A Reliability and Validity Assessment of Husband-Wife Decision Making Measures., Jo Anne stilley Hopper
The Relationship Between Fibrinolytic Capacity and Metabolic Control in Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus., William Guyton Hornsby Jr
An Analysis of the Economic Impact of Agricultural Production Expenditures on the Louisiana Economy., Liang Chew Huam
Some Effects of Calcium on Growth, Yield and Mineral Content of Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.)., Patrick Emeka Igbokwe
An Economic Analysis of Alternative Marketing Strategies for Northeast Louisiana Soybean Producers., Edward Joe Jordan
Structural and Regulatory Studies on Rabbit Muscle Phosphofructokinase., Ella Lee Kelley
A Survey of the Opinions of Selected Secondary School Teachers Concerning In-Service Training in Educational Media (Louisiana)., Aziz Khosh-chashmi
Chamber Music for Solo Voice and Instruments: 1960-1980., Kenneth Sheldon Klaus
Skin Temperature Feedback With Autogenic Training and Home Practice in the Treatment of Childhood Migraine Headaches: a Controlled Group Outcome Study., Elise Elmire Labbe
Behavior of Euphorbia Heterophylla Seed Bank., Vernon B. Langston
The Syntheses of the Crown Ethers Possessing 2,6-Pyridino Moieties., Hyo Won Lee
An Evaluation of the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (Louisiana)., Diane Ball Linder
The Regulation of Gene Expression During the Aerobic Germination of Mucor Racemosus Sporangiospores., John Edgar Linz
Evidence for an Outer Membrane - Association Precursor of the Extracellular Protease Produced by Serratia Marcescens., Laura Robin Liss
The Effect of Alternative Buffering Techniques to Protect a Multi-Product, Multi-Stage Production Inventory System Against Supply-Uncertainty., Mohamed-t. Aly Mady
Structure Elucidation and Chemistry of Sesquiterpene Lactones From the Subtribe Melampodiinae., Arcelio Jose Malcolm
Statistical Mechanics of Conformational Transitions in Biopolymers., Rachid Charbel Maroun
Computer Analysis of Coastal Ocean Features in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery (Japan, Gotoh Islands)., Gary Arthur Mastin
Inflammation and Leukocyte Responses Induced by Subcutaneous Turpentine Inoculation of Young Alligator Mississippiensis., Margarita Rosa Mateo
Impact Outcome at River Region Personal Growth Program., Mark Christopher Michael
The Effectiveness of Video Technology in Safety Training at an Industrial Site., Robert Steven Miller
A Study of Several Macrocyclic Beta-Ketoamines and Their Metal Chelates., Charles Louis Modenbach III
A Taxonomy for Industrial Salesforce Job Activities., William C. Moncrief III
The Effect of Gypsum Amendments on the Displacement of Exchangeable Aluminum From Acid Bt Horizons., Charles Kanmu Mulbah
Nitrification at the Rice Root., Chayong Nammuang
Itchgrass (Rottboellia Exaltata) Response to Herbicides and Cultivation, and Subsequent Effect on Soybean (Glycine Max) Yield (Louisiana)., Paul Ruel Nester
Some Relationships Between Crop Damage Inflicted by the Sugarcane Borer, Diatraea Saccharalis (F.), and Selected Plant Diseases (Louisiana)., Emmanuel Oludele Ogunwolu
Equine Infectious Anemia Virus: (1) the Generation of Virus Variant Candidates. (2) Attempts to Titrate the Virus by Three Different Methods., Alberto Orrego uribe
Scattering of Electrons by Hydrogen Atoms., Dipakkumar Harshadrai Oza
Equine Infectious Anemia Virus: Characterization of Virion Polypeptides and the Biochemical Nature of Antigenic Variation., Bharat Savailal Parekh
A Description of the Ten Southeastern Conference Marching Band Programs., Harry Crozier Patzig
The Distribution of Macrobenthos in Barataria Basin, Louisiana, Antonio Liborio Philomena
An Empirical Investigation of the Extent of Disclosure in Municipal Annual Reports., Franklin James Plewa Jr
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Pyridine and Dipyridine Metallocyclic Palladium Complexes., Wallace Earl Puckett
Growth and Metabolic Responses of Saccharum Species in Relation to Flooding., A. B. m. mafizur Rahman
School Lunch Consumption in Terms of Serving Method., Faye Anne blanchard Robichaux
The Justices of the Peace of Surrey in National and County Politics, 1483-1570. (Volumes I and II)., William Baxter Robison III
Regulation of Macromolecular Synthesis in the Fungus Mucor Racemosus., Joseph Frederick Ross
Circadian Systems in Development and Photoperiodism in Japanese Quail., Albert C. Russo Jr
An Application of the Philosophy of Shinichi Suzuki to Selected American and European Piano Pedagogical Materials., Cheryl Juanita Rutledge
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Mmpi) Response Patterns Among Prisoners Under Varied Instructional Sets., Rafael Francisco Salcedo
Effects of Friendship Skills Training in an Inpatient Alcoholic Population., Elaine Janis Salzer
Systematics of the Water Snakes of the Nerodia Cyclopion Complex, William Edward Sanderson
Sodium Ion Transport Regulation by a Serotonin Stimulated Adenylate Cyclase System in Freshwater Mussels., John Iver Scheide
Coastal Modification and Land Transformation in the San Juan Bay Area: Puerto Rico., Jose Seguinot-barbosa
The Interrelationships Between Organizational Communication, Organizational Climate, and Job Satisfaction in a Local Government Agency., William Chambliss Sharbrough III
Marjorie Gullan: Speech Teacher, Lecturer, Public Reader, and Pioneer in Choral Speaking (Scotland, England)., Ronald Eugene Shields
Studies on the Selective Oxidation Activity of Iron-Tellurium-Oxide Catalysts., Yan-nian Shyr
Water Budget, Benthological Characterization, and Simulation of Aquatic Material Flows in a Louisiana Freshwater Swamp., Fred Hal Sklar
Analysis of Forest Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma Disstria Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae), Populations in Louisiana., James David Smith
Effect of Isolated Soy Protein on the Bioavailability of Copper in Ground Beef., James L. Smith
The Theatre Management of Alexandre Placide in Charleston, 1794-1812. (Volumes I and II) (South Carolina)., Richard Phillip Sodders
"New Literary History" and the Postmodern Paradigm: Implications for Theatre History., Robert Gerard Staggenborg
Strangers in the Land: the Southern Clergy and the Economic Mind of the Old South., Kenneth Moore Startup
The Social Strategy Implementation Process: an Exploratory Investigation., Jean Garner Stead
A Study of Revenues for Public Schools in Louisiana., Robert Wayne Strain
Lay Leader Participation in Extension Work in the Philippines., Blanda Relente Sumayao
An Analysis of the Trematode Fauna of Two Intercontinental Migrants: Tringa Solitaria and Calidris Melanotos (Aves: Charadriiformes) (Ecuador, Louisiana, South Dakota, Canada)., Erika Jansic Tallman
The Impact of Sompa Elp Scores on Special Education Evaluation and Placement., Alan Lesley Taylor
Synthesis and Characterization of Ketone and Ketal Coronands Containing 2,6-Pyridino And/Or 6,6'-(2,2'-Dipyridino) Subunits., Hellen Connie rowland Taylor
Pulmonary Dynamics, Pharmacokinetics and Receptor Binding of 3-Methylindole in Equidae., David E. Thomas
Platonic Economic Theory: the Economics of Moderation., Kenneth Neal Townsend
A Study of Attitude Toward the Disabled of Foreign Students From Selected Geographical Areas., Andres Maclovio Trimino
Testing Standard Modern Paragraph Theories (Becker, Christensen, Rodgers)., Thomas Haskell Utley
Deltaic Sedimentation in Eastern Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana., Ivor Llewellyn Van heerden
Regulation of Reproductive and Metabolic Indices by the Interaction of Daily Environmental Stimuli in the Gulf Killifish, Fundulus Grandis., Madeline May Weld
A Descriptive Evaluation of Two Hospital Education Programs (Louisiana)., Thomas Curtis Whitesell
A History of the Louisiana State University School of Music (1955-1979). (Volumes I and II)., Brenda Gale Williams
The Beta-Fructofuranosidase of Kluyveromyces Fragilis and Its Use in Inulin Hydrolysis., Wesley Earl Workman
Chemical Modifications of Condensation Polymers, Chloromethylation and Quaternization., Shih-jen Wu
The Diversification Service by a Multinational Corporation to Its Shareholders., Ho Chull Yang