Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Human Resource Education and Workforce Development

First Advisor

Betty C. Harrison


The purpose of this study was to investigate the restructuring/reform efforts in Louisiana public schools. The population for this study was defined as Louisiana public school principals who were employed for the year 1997--1998 in schools that contain at least grades 10, 11, and 12, but are not classified as alternative schools. The Louisiana High School Coaches Association Constitution and Directory (1997--98) and the Louisiana School Directory (1997--98) (Bulletin 1462) published by the Louisiana Department of Education provided the frame for the study. A simple random sample, with replacement, of principals from Louisiana public high schools participated in the study. A three-part researcher designed instrument was used to collect the data. The demographic data included principal and school characteristics, internal and external forces. The second part included six component scales (Curriculum Innovations, Classroom Methodology, Teacher Professional Development, School Structure, Community Outreach, and Information Technology). Each component was divided into two scales: awareness of elements of restructuring/reform and extent of school restructuring/reform implementation. A write-in section asked principals to identify barriers and successful interventions. Two full mailings and two follow-up attempts resulted in a total response rate of 64.9%. Factors that were found to be related to the extent of restructuring/reform implementation included the principal demographic variables of race, number of state professional meetings attended, highest degree and year earned. The school demographic variables included: honors curricula, tech prep curricula, mainstreamed special education curricula, self-contained special education curricula, number of full time classroom teachers, curricula offerings, and the racial makeup of the school. Using multiple regression, a model was found which explained a significant portion of the variance (31%) in the extent of school restructuring/reform implementation in Louisiana public high schools. The nine variables that entered the model included mainstreamed special education curricula, honors curricula, principal's level of education, Tech Prep, civic organization support, years respondent has held position, school board support, the race of the principal and business and industry support. A follow-up study is recommended to test the model.






