Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Physics and Astronomy
First Advisor
Dana Browne
The phenomenon of stabilization and ionization suppression in intense pulsed fields is investigated for systems initially in their ground states. This is done by considering one-dimensional model potentials which include one bound state and many bound states. The phenomenon of intense field stabilization is found to exist for both types of potentials while the pulse is on. However, it is discovered that this is not accompanied by suppression of ionization at the end of the pulse in all regimes of the peak field strength. The main features of the variation of the ionization probability with the peak field strength are: an initial decrease followed by an upturn and finally a tendency toward saturation. The upturn is found to be predominantly due to the non-adiabatic evolution of the system during the turn-on stage of the pulse. The saturation of the ionization probability at very high field strengths is traced to the near similarity of the wave functions prior to the beginning of the turn-off for several different peak field strengths in the saturation regime. This in turn results from the reduced interaction between the potential and the wave function during the pulse.
Recommended Citation
Poduri, Vijay Saradhi, "Stabilization and Ionization Suppression in Intense Pulsed Fields." (1997). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 6440.