Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


The degree of environmental control exerted by female inmates was examined as a function of gender role identity. The sample was obtained at the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women, the only female prison in the state. The prison environment was assumed to offer very few control options. The options studied were those under the direct authorization of the social services division of the prison, and from individuals external to the prison. It was assumed that the flexibility found in androgynous individuals would allow for a greater level of perceived control than with either the masculine or feminine gender role identity people. It was also predicted that a congruent feminine or androgynous gender role identity would enable the women more perceived control than would be found with those with a masculine gender role identity. A locus of control in Likert format and the Bem Sex Role Inventory scored using the androgynous T-ratio were used to assess control beliefs and gender role identity. Results indicated a curvilinear relationship between gender role identity and environmental control. The masculine gender role identity had the lowest level of control, followed by the feminine, and apexing at the androgynous gender role identity.




