
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Document Type



Wireless communication and sensor networks are widely utilized in daily activities. The sensing range, inter-nodal connection, and communication capacity are essential factors in ensuring reliable network service. The strategic deployment of wireless sensors is vital in enhancing the quality of service (QoS). Unplanned set-up configuration of wireless devices in indoor environments poses a significant difficulty that impacts the quality of access, monitoring, and surveillance. This study seeks to ascertain the heuristic location of wireless sensors within indoor areas of any arbitrary polygonal-shaped field-of-interest (FoI) relying on the line-of-sight (LoS) information. Rather than relying on a trial-and-error approach based on service quality assessments, in this work, we use the aerial view or bird’s-eye view of the floor plan of a FoI as input. Then, the developed approach entails a mechanism for transforming this input into a visibility graph and identifying cliques, which relies on indoor geometry. The proposed approach exhibits superior performance compared to traditional approaches such as the art gallery problem (AGP). Furthermore, it applies to both simple and complex polygonal-shaped FoIs. Consequently, a systematic algorithmic solution for deploying the wireless sensors and maximizing their vertex-constrained LoS coverage area in indoor environments of any arbitrary geometry is developed in this study



Committee Chair

Wu, Hsiao-Chun

Available for download on Friday, December 19, 2031
