Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Arts and Science
Document Type
Educational leaders seek to implement new research-based strategies and initiatives that support teachers in increasing student achievement. Data-Driven Instruction (DDI) is one such proven method in growing student achievement (Gangadharan, 2014; Halverson et al., 2015; Shaw, 2017). One notable trend is the use of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) as a means of facilitating DDI, and the use of PLCs over time is instrumental in sustaining DDI practices that increase student achievement (Bianco, 2010; Monceaux, 2017). In this study, the researcher determined if such structures have an impact in increasing scores in already high-performing schools, a configuration less studied in the literature versus low-performing schools. The purpose of this study was to assess teacher and educational leader perceptions of PLC implementation and compare it to the standardized test performance of high-achieving students to determine a correlation between DDI practices and advancing high-performing schools. A survey was administered to ascertain the perception of classroom teachers who volunteered to participate within a high-performing school distinct in South Louisiana. Additionally, five interviews with key district-level and school-level educational leaders were conducted. School and distinct level performance scores on required standardized state tests were also analyzed in conjunction with survey and interview data to create a comprehensive view of how PLC practices have impacted learning for students who are already meeting proficiency levels. This current study built upon longitudinal data in accordance with the district’s long-range plan for PLC implementation by examining the PLC initiatives that were newly implemented by the district (IGPs and ALDs). This study provided a potential model of a school district’s implementation of PLCs.
Recommended Citation
Broussard, Andrea Tory, "Advancing Student Achievement in High Performing Schools: An Analysis of How Educational Leaders Can Leverage Professional Learning Communities and Achievement Level Descriptors for Data-Driven Instruction" (2024). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 6626.
Committee Chair
Margaret Mary Sulentic Dowell
Included in
Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons