
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Document Type



At modern rare-isotope beam facilities, a wealth of nuclear data is being accumulated. However, in almost all cases, the crucial spin and parity assignments, the primary goal of many nuclear spectroscopy studies, are based on theoretical and/or systematic arguments and lack experimental verification. Internal conversion electron spectroscopy is an established method that can be used to directly determine electromagnetic transition multipolarities, and in turn provide detailed experimental information about the structure of the nucleus.

This dissertation research consists of the development of a new conversion electron detection system for a decay station at Argonne National Laboratory. To commission the new detector, three experiments were proposed. The focus of this thesis is the first experiment, in which the measurement of the half-life of an isomeric state in the deformed odd- odd nucleus 156Pm was performed. Additionally, data from mass 150 in-beam isotopes was collected and the 150Pr ground-state half-life was measured.

Results from the half-life measurement of the isomeric state in 156Pm and corresponding transition multipolarity using conversion electron data are presented. Following the same analysis process, the half-life measurement of the 150Pr ground state and the transition multipolarity of the 130-keV 2+1→ 0+g.s. transition in 150Nd are reported. Additionally, a few newly observed transitions and placement on level scheme in 156Sm are listed.



Committee Chair

Marley, Scott

Available for download on Sunday, May 16, 2027

Included in

Nuclear Commons
