Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Document Type
Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to brain tumors, approaches to deliver drug across the blood brain barrier (BBB), boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for brain tumors, application of carboranyl derivatives in attempt to treat brain tumors using BNCT. Chapter 2 involves synthesis, characterization and toxicity studies (In vitro and In vivo) of high boron containing pegylated cobaltabisdicarbollide porphyrin for treatment of brain tumors using BNCT. To improve the selectivity towards brain tumors we attempted conjugate several peptides to this non-toxic pegylated cobaltabiscabollide porphyrin. In vivo studies were conducted in collaboration with Dr. David G. Baker at LSU veterinary Medicine. Chapter 3 describes the synthesis, characterization and In vitro studies of carboranyl-porphyrin polyamine conjugates and compared their biological behavior with pegylated carboranyl-porphyrin conjugate, which was also synthesized. The biological results show that the polyamine conjugates had a better cellular uptake and BBB permeability compared to pegylated carboranyl-porphyrin. These results also suggest that polyamine conjugates can be promising BNCT agents. Chapter 4 describes the synthesis, characterization and In vitro studies of carboranyl-porphyrin glucose and polyethylene glycol peptide conjugates. Using the pegylated carboranyl-porphyrin conjugate from chapter 3 we could conjugate the peptides, which are interest of study. In vitro studies on some of the peptide conjugates are currently undergoing.
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Recommended Citation
Bhupathiraju, Naga Venkata Satya Dinesh Kumar, "Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of carboranyl-porphyrin bioconjugates for treatment of brain tumors" (2013). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 640.
Committee Chair
Vicente, M. Graҫa H.