
Doctor of Nutrition and Food Sciences (PNFS)



Document Type



A modified version of the Eating and Food Literacy Behaviors Questionnaire (EFLBQ) with a new construct called cooking enjoyment was developed and validated. The instrument was titled the Eating and Food Literacy Behavior Questionnaire with Cooking Enjoyment (EFLBQ-C). The EFLBQ-C was developed with data from 18- to 30-year-olds who attended a university in the United States collected by an online survey platform. The 515 students who completed the questionnaire answered using a 4-point Likert scale of Never=1,” “Seldom=2,” “Often=3,” and “Always=4.” The responses were divided into an EFLBQ-C cohort (Group 1: 258 participants) and an EFLBQ cohort (Group 2: 257 participants) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted on both groups. The EFLBQ-C CFA retained all 19 of the original EFLBQ statements in the 5 original constructs and retained the cooking enjoyment factor as a sixth construct. The CFA of the EFLBQ cohort retained the 19 original statements that factored into the 5 original constructs. The chi-square was significant for both groups (PX2=456.33 with 260 degrees of freedom. Goodness-of-fit indicator for the 5-factor model for Group 2 was X2=239.94 with 142 degrees of freedom. The RMSEA cutoff for Group 1=0.054 and Group 2=0.052. Both groups reported CFI=0.94, TLI=0.93, and SRMR=0.05.

The EFLBQ-C was used to test the effectiveness of a nutrition education program called Creative Cooking. Participants (27 young adult university students) completed the EFLBQ-C before and after participating in the program. The EFLBQ-C total mean score was significantly higher post-program (post-Mdn=3.2) compared to pre-program (pre-Mdn=2.9), z=-2.59, pr=-0.50. Factor 1 post score of Mdn=3.0 had increased, compared to the pre-score (pre-Mdn=2.9, z=-2.43, pr=-0.47. Factor 3 scores were higher (post-Mdn=3.0) compared to the initial score (pre-Mdn=2.7), z=-2.97, pr=-0.57.

The EFLBQ-C appears to be a valid and reliable tool to measure changes in food literacy and behaviors towards food in young adult university students. It can be used as an evaluation tool in nutrition education programs. More research is needed to further examine the effectiveness of the EFLBQ-C and the Creative Cooking Program using other population groups.



Committee Chair

Tuuri, Georgianna
