Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Document Type
This single case study explored the perceptions, feelings, and ideas of a select group of PK-3 certified teachers in a small, south Louisiana elementary school. As educators, perceptions and opinions often go unrecognized within the central school board and in the district. In order for teachers to be successful, it is imperative they are equipped with professional development and opportunities for collaboration in order to increase their self-efficacy to become more invested. This study focused on steps to increase self-efficacy, the importance of teacher collaboration, and professional development within an elementary school. It was grounded by theoretical frameworks of self-efficacy theory, social learning theory, and social cognitive theory.
Five certified teachers agreed to participate in the study. Data were collected and analyzed using one-on-one interviews, Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 2001), and the researcher’s reflective journal. Results of teacher perceptions of efficacy revealed the following themes: Learning and Bonding, Professional Development, Structures of Efficacy, Need for Improvement, and Mandated Curriculum. Through participant perceptions and experiences, data analysis revealed that teachers identified professional development workshops, webinars, opportunities for collaboration, and grade level meetings beneficial. Teacher participants shared past and previous experiences during collaborations, cross curricular grade level meetings, and setting realistic goals for themselves and for their students. The findings of this study contained critical information on the importance of teacher perceptions-which subsequently provided critical insights on how to increase teacher self-efficacy.
Recommended Citation
Alfred-Pellerin, Tara L., "Case Study of the Impact of Teacher Efficacy on Select PK-3 School Faculty in a South Louisiana School: A Perceptual Investigation" (2022). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 5968.
Committee Chair
Sulentic Dowell, Margaret Mary