
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Document Type



Silicon photonics have drawn much recent interest in the setting of intra-chip andmodule communication. In this dissertation, we address a fundamental computationalproblem, mutual exclusion, in the setting of optical interconnects. As a main result, wepropose an optical network and an algorithm for it to distribute a token (shared resource)mutually exclusively among a set ofnprocessing elements. Following a request, the tokenis granted in constant amortized time andO(n) worst case time; this assumes constantpropagation time for light within the chip. Additionally, the distribution of tokens is fair,ensuring that no token request is denied more thann−1 times in succession; this is thebest possible. The proposed algorithm is distributed (nodes operate without any central-ized control) and asynchronous (nodes are temporally independent and do not rely on acommon clock).Additionally, we extend this work to distribute multiple tokens, that can be identi-cal or distinct. With some modification, we can also employ the mutual exclusion networkfor broadcasting or multicasting data between processing elements. This in turn allows forthe implementation of global Boolean operations spanning the processing elements.Further, we identify some applications of our work. These include an optical queue,an essential element of many systems with optical interconnects; the optical queue can beused to implement a fast data transfer network.xi



Committee Chair

Vaidyanathan, Ramachandran


