


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Document Type



Within the present dissertation, determinants of leader dismissals, promotions, and demotions are explored. A model of CEO dismissals is adapted to the context of the National Football League (NFL), whereby head coaches represent CEOs. Building upon empirical studies of the CEO dismissal model, a proxy is established which is representative of actual candidates to replace an executive rather than proxies based on industry and firm characteristics. Using the proxy for candidates provided statistically insignificant results that challenge the theoretical relationship between candidate availability and executive dismissals. Additionally, the present dissertation proposed and found empirical justification for incorporating an additional socio-political force within the empirically tested CEO dismissal model. Interestingly, within the deviant culture of the NFL, deviant behavior may increase or decrease executive dismissal likelihood depending on the type of deviant behavior, punishments received for deviant behavior, and implementation of institutional policies regarding deviant behavior. Finally, the present dissertation emphasized the relationship between executive dismissals and candidates available to succeed executives, and therefore, examined determinants of managerial promotions within the NFL. Specifically focusing on race and centrality as promotion and demotion determinants, the present dissertation found race and centrality to be statistically significant factors in promotions and demotions, though the influence of these variables depends on whether the manager is being considered for promotion or demotion as well as their current rank within the organization (i.e., upper- or lower-level management). Implications for practitioners and scholars as well as future research opportunities are also discussed.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Seifried, Chad



Included in

Kinesiology Commons
