


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Human Resource Education and Workforce Development

Document Type



The purpose of this study was to examine perceptions related to job expectations as described by 4-H agents in the state of Louisiana. The study explored feelings, skills and knowledge associated with job expectations. This study used a qualitative approach to examine perceptions related to job expectations. A phenomenological study captured the essence of this experience. The participants for this study included LSU AgCenter Extension 4-H agents who work in different parishes located in the state of Louisiana. The state is divided into five regions divided into parishes. Initially two agents from each region were identified to take part in the study. Because it is believed that all of the participants have had the same phenomenon, a purposeful sampling strategy was used. The 4-H Agents are all professionals in the area of Youth Development. Purposeful selection was done based on the defining demographics of gender, years of service and whether parish is rural or urban. Both male and female participants were chosen. Years of service were determined by a mix of agents having eight or more years and agents having less than eight years. The interviews consisted of questions about skills needed to meet job expectations, positive and negative perceptions of job expectations, parts of the job performed well and not well, priorities when it came to expectations and how expectations should be determined and communicated. The six overarching themes that emerged from the interview transcripts included: (1) agent accountability, (2) 4-H agent turnover, (3) not meeting expectations/expectations too high, (4) workload, (5) understanding of expectations and (6) numbers (quality vs quantity).



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Cater, Melissa


