


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Document Type



Prior research on organizational misconduct within intercollegiate athletics focuses on the penalties administered by the NCAA and types of violations committed by member institutions, rather than the engagement of misconduct and the role of the NCAA as a social-control agent. Consequently, the purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the relationship between social-control agents and potential wrongdoers (i.e., organizations), in addition to how the relationship affects the evolving line separating right from wrong. A three-paper multiple method examination has been conducted, including a historical analysis of NCAA enforcement, a qualitative framing analysis on the detailing of NCAA major infractions to the public, and a quantitative analysis on the likelihood of sanctions as a result of engaging in organizational misconduct. The historical chapter advances literature on social-control agents by investigating the concept of organizational layering which takes place when third-party regulators examine cases of organizational misconduct. The qualitative chapter expands literature on framing theory, specifically the analysis on the different framing techniques utilized by social control agents and media members when present cases of organizational misconduct to the public. The quantitative chapter consists of a two-stage probit regression model which found evidence that the type of violations committed in major violation cases are significant in determining the likelihood of sanctions. This study will contribute to intercollegiate athletic administration by providing an opportunity to better comprehend NCAA enforcement procedures, along with utilizing the findings to discover how the NCAA functions as a social-control agent.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Seifried, Chad



Included in

Kinesiology Commons
