


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Computer Science

Document Type



Newly emerging computer networks, such as high speed networks and data center networks, have characteristics of high bandwidth and high burstiness which make it difficult to address issues such as fairness, queuing latency and link utilization. In this study, we first conduct extensive experimental evaluation of the performance of 10Gbps high speed networks. We found inter-protocol unfairness and larger queuing latency are two outstanding issues in high speed networks and data center networks. There have been several proposals to address fairness and latency issues at switch level via queuing schemes. These queuing schemes have been fairly successful in addressing either fairness issue or large latency but not both at the same time. We propose a new queuing scheme called Approximated-Fair and Controlled-Delay (AFCD) queuing scheme that meets following goals for high speed networks: approximated fairness, controlled low queuing delay, high link utilization and simple implementation. The design of AFCD utilizes a novel synergistic approach by forming an alliance between approximated fair queuing and controlled delay queuing. AFCD maintains very small amount of state information in sending rate estimation of flows and makes drop decision based on a target delay of individual flow. We then present FaLL, a Fair and Low Latency queuing scheme that meets stringent performance requirements of data center networks: fair share of bandwidth, low queuing latency, high throughput, and ease of deployment. FaLL uses an efficiency module, a fairness module and a target delay based dropping scheme to meet these goals. Through rigorous experiments on real testbed, we show that FaLL outperforms various peer solutions in variety of network conditions over data center networks.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Park, Seung-Jong


