


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Human Resource Education and Workforce Development

Document Type



The purpose of this sequential explanatory mixed method study was to assess the need for a “one-stop shop” disaster management mobile application. This was done by identifying the perceptions and utilization of current disaster preparedness resources in the southern region of the United States. The perceptions and utilization levels were measured by obtaining statistical, quantitative results from the Leingang Disaster Preparedness and Utilization survey. Individuals at four universities in the Southern disaster prone area of Louisiana were surveyed. The survey yielded a preparedness score for each survey participant. The preparedness score was achieved based on subsequent scores in three categories: knowledge, usage, and technology. Knowledge was defined as simply knowing about that the preparedness resource available. Usage was defined as participants knowing that the resources existed and whether they chose to use it or not. Technology was identified as any medium the participant used to assist in their hurricane preparedness efforts. This included anything from printed resources to mobile applications. Respondents that identified they were available for more in-depth interviews that had the highest and lowest scores at each institution were contacted to further explore their survey results. The availability of a “one-stop shop” disaster management mobile application that is utilized before, during, and after a disaster would allow Louisiana residents to have one place to access the various emergency preparedness resources that are available for them. This study found that residents would be interested in utilizing a “one-stop shop” mobile application during disasters and therefore the researcher recommend modifying current disaster management mobile applications in order to meet this need.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Machtmes, Krisanna


