Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Educational Leadership, Research and Counseling
Document Type
The purpose of this study is to explore how students perceive their tutorial learning experiences at the collegiate level in a campus-based center and to explore the personality preferences of the students who participate in tutoring, according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The study is designed to address tutoring from the perspective of the tutee’s experiences and to allow them to tell their story of how tutoring impacted their academic experience. The following research questions guide this study: 1. What are students’ perceptions of their tutorial learning experiences? 2. Are students’ perceptions of their tutorial learning experiences related to personality type preferences? Data analysis in qualitative research has a two-fold purpose to understand the participants’ perspective and to answer the research questions. This study uses the three-phase procedure described by Miles and Huberman (1994) to give meaning to the data and for organizational purposes. The three-phase procedure includes data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Thirty-two students voluntarily participated in in-depth interviews. Interview data are transcribed and subsequently analyzed to facilitate the development of themes. Document analysis, a reflexive journal, and in-depth interviews are utilized to construct participant profiles and to generate themes. Themes that emerged are as follows: (1) Choice to Attend Tutoring, (2) Relationship with Tutor, (3) Learning Strategies, and (4) Derived Benefits of Tutoring. The themes are analyzed and the results discussed. Thereafter, the analysis turns to the personality type preferences in accord with the MBTI. The type preferences are coded and the results of the type preferences discussed in relation to the perceived experiences of participants as well as their styles of learning. A discussion of the findings, along with recommendations for practice and research conclude the study. Suggestions might be made to implement changes in tutorial learning as a form of academic support. While other learning styles inventories are available, the MBTI is an assessment that identifies individual strengths for students to work from giving it an advantage when compared to others. Finally, it is also important to assess the needs of each segment of the student population.
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Recommended Citation
Alexander, Angela, "A qualitative exploration of students' experiences with tutorial learning" (2004). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 3397.
Committee Chair
Becky Ropers-Hiulman