


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Human Ecology

Document Type



The purpose of this study was to investigate the application of a social psychological theoretical framework to the study of creativity in apparel design, with a focus on technological engagement and motivational factors. A sample of 32 apparel design students from two major southeastern universities were selected to complete a self-report instruments regarding motivation and technological engagement. Students completed the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA) as well as a design brief. Design illustrations were evaluated by a panel of expert judges in the field of apparel design using a consensual assessment technique (CAT). Results indicate levels of technology and internet usage and enjoyment do not relate to product output. Additionally, non-significant results indicate that previously theorized relationships between motivation and product output specific to apparel designers do not support earlier studies of literary and visual artists. Internet and technology engagement is largely based in information collection and redistribution as opposed to idea creation. This theory may explain the limited effect of internet and technology engagement on product output. While motivations across visual arts fields are key components of product output, apparel design is independent of visual arts due to its largely commercial-based enterprise. Our results support this idea and also highlight the need to create an apparel design specific theory of creativity.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

McRoberts, Lisa Barona



Included in

Human Ecology Commons
