


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Human Resource Education and Workforce Development

Document Type



The primary purpose of this study was two-fold: 1) to determine if a relationship exists between proactive personality and social entrepreneurial intentions among African American and Hispanic undergraduate students; and 2) to determine if hope moderates the relationship between proactive personality and social entrepreneurial intentions. The findings demonstrated that there was indeed a positive relationship between having a proactive personality and social entrepreneurial intentions among students; these findings supported the conclusions made by Crant (1996) which demonstrated that proactive students tend to have intentions to become entrepreneurs. Also, the findings demonstrated that hope did not moderate the relationship between proactive personality and social entrepreneurial intentions. This was surprising, however, it may be that African American and Hispanic undergraduate students need more than hope to increase their desire to become social entrepreneurs. The researcher concluded that it is likely that the moderated relationship was not supported because some students may not yet possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to create social enterprises. Future research should consider other possible moderating mechanisms involved in the proactive personality and social entrepreneurial intentions relationship. It is possible that entrepreneurial parents, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, socio-economic status, and other variables may moderate the relationship between proactive personality and social entrepreneurial intentions. Researchers and practitioners may have to conceptualize frameworks that can aid in training and developing social entrepreneurs. Critical pedagogy and the Center of Creative Leadership’s Assessment, Challenge, and Support (ACS) model can be utilized.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Verma, Satish



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