Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Social Work
Document Type
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the perceptions of and attitudes toward partner abuse, and various demographic characteristics on the incidence of partner abuse among first generation Korean-Americans. The study employed a correlational explanatory design using a cross-sectional survey technique utilizing a total of 223 Korean immigrant adults currently residing in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. A three-part instrument was used for data colleciton. Part I of the instrument measured the perceptions of and attitudes toward domestic violence among Korean-Americans. Part II measured the incedence and nature of domestic violence, and part III inquired demographic information about Korean-Americans. The use of domestic violence among Korean-Americans was highly prevalent. Demographic characteristics such as gender, age, religion, occupation and the length of residence in the United States were related to the occurrences of domestic violence. Korean men were more physically violent, whereas Korean women were more verbally abusive than their partners. Also, the younger the individuals were, the more abusive acts they employed. Generally, Confucians and Buddhists were more abusive than Protestants, and the unemployed and laborers were more abusive than professionals. The longer the individuals have resided in the United States, the less abusive they tended to be. There were significant relationships between various perceptions of domestic violence and the actual experiences with domestic violence.
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Recommended Citation
Ahn, Bonnie, "The perceptions of and attitudes toward partner abuse among first generation Korean-Americans: their relationships to the incidence of partner abuse" (2002). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 2167.
Committee Chair
Brij Mohan