Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Document Type
Over the last decade quantum computing has become a very popular field in various disciplines, such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. Most of the attraction stemmed from the famous Shor period--finding algorithm, which leads to an efficient algorithm for factoring positive integers. Many adaptations and generalizations of this algorithm have been developed through the years, some of which have not been ripened with full mathematical rigor. In this dissertation we use concepts from white noise analysis to rigorously develop a Shor algorithm adapted to find a hidden subspace of a function with domain a real Hilbert space. After reviewing the framework of quantum mechanics, we demonstrate how these principles can be used to develop algorithms which operate on a quantum computing device. We present a self-contained account of white noise analysis, including the main relevant results. Inspired by a generalized function in the algorithm, we develop a new distribution, the delta function for a subspace of an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. We then use this distribution to rigorously prove one of the main identities needed for the algorithm. Finally we provide a rigorous formulation of the hidden subspace algorithm in infinite dimensions.
Document Availability at the Time of Submission
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Recommended Citation
Becnel, Jeremy James, "Extension of Shor's period-finding algorithm to infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces" (2006). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 20.
Committee Chair
Ambar Sengupta