


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


French Studies

Document Type



The indigenous Francophone Algerian novel dates from the early 1950s and since then has been a political manifestation of uneasiness. The anticolonial undertones of this literature demonstrate the sufferings and harsh realities of life under an oppressive colonial regime; meanwhile the postcolonial novel continues the representation of this suffering through the residual effects of colonialism and the impact of the bloody decolonization war. This dissertation contributes to the discourse regarding suffering as a result of French colonial oppression in light of François Hollande’s official recognition of the trauma of colonialism and the acceptance of the events from 1954-1962 as a war rather than an internal conflict. This dissertation analyzes the power and effects of suffering in the colonial and postcolonial Francophone Algerian novel through violence and poverty, the plagues of colonialism. In doing so, it looks at the role of suffering in this literature and its effects on narration and character development. The themes of violence and poverty plague the colonial novel insomuch that the characters’ actions become directly tied to their suffering; whether leading to despair or hope, death or revolution. In looking at the role and effects of suffering this dissertation analyzes the works by Mohammed Dib, Mouloud Mammeri, Mouloud Feraoun and Kateb Yacine.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

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Committee Chair

Ngandu, Pius


