


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Human Resource Education and Workforce Development

Document Type



This study described Human Resource Education and Development Faculty; their research productivity, satisfaction with instructional duties and other related job factors, and opinion of emphasis on research/teaching at their employing institutions; analyzed differences between faculty members’ actual time spent and preferred time spent through the use of t-tests; and determined if selected factors drive research productivity measured as a career research productivity score, a recent research productivity score, and time spent in research through the use of mediated hierarchical regression. The study utilized two NCES data sets derived from the 1992-93 and 1998-99 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty surveys. HRED faculty members possessed instructional duties and were engaged in research, with presentations/exhibitions reported as the most common type of research produced. More respondents held the rank of instructor than any other, and of those tenured, the average number of years tenured ranged from 8 to 10 years. The two predominant types of highest degrees held were doctorate and masters. The findings of this study suggest research support was present in the form of teaching assistants, funding, and resources specifically provided for research. Also, HRED faculty preferred to spend less time in teaching than they were spending and more time in research than they were spending. Faculty were somewhat satisfied with instructional duties and with other factors related to their job. Faculty disagreed somewhat with items stating research was the primary promotional criteria at their institution and that research was rewarded more than teaching at their institution. The proposed model evaluated in this study was based on cognitive motivation theory and was supported by the analyses. A fully mediated model resulted for the dependent variables career and recent research productivity scores, and a partially mediated model resulted for the dependent variable time spent in research. The findings demonstrated the importance of an individual’s perception of their personal interests/abilities in research when predicting research productivity.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Joe Kotrlik


