Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Document Type
Ionic liquids (ILs) are organic salts that melt at or below 100°C. Interest in ILs continues to grow due to their unique properties such as lack of measurable vapor pressure, high thermal stability, tunability and recyclability. The first part of this dissertation explores the use of chiral ionic liquids (CILs) for enantiomeric recognition of chiral analytes using fluorescence spectroscopy. Chiral analyses continue to be a subject of considerable interest primarily as a result of legislation introduced by the Food and Drug Administration. This has led to an increased need for suitable chiral selectors and methods to verify the enantiomeric forms of drugs. In this study, CILs derived from amino acid esters were used simultaneously as solvents and chiral selectors for enantiomeric recognition of various fluorescent as well as non-fluorescent chiral analytes. The second part of this dissertation focuses on the development of a new class of fluorescent near infrared (NIR) nanoparticles from a Group of Uniform Materials Based on Organic Salts (GUMBOS) largely comprising frozen ILs. The GUMBOS were subsequently used to fabricate nanoGUMBOS using a reprecipitation method. The potential of the NIR nanoGUMBOS for non-invasive imaging was evaluated by fluorescence imaging of Vero cells incubated with nanoGUMBOS. Fluorescence imaging of diseased cells and tissues is useful for early detection and treatment of diseases. The work presented here is significant and may improve the quality of human life by employing NIR nanoGUMBOS as contrast agents for early diagnosis and treatment of some diseases. Through variations in the anion, different spectral properties were observed for nanoGUMBOS presenting the possibility of using a single dye for multiple applications.
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Recommended Citation
Bwambok, David Kipkogei, "Task Specific Ionic Liquids for Enantiomeric Recognition and Nanomaterials for Biomedical Imaging" (2009). LSU Doctoral Dissertations. 1592.
Committee Chair
Warner, Isiah