


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Social Work

Document Type



This multi-component study incorporated the following: (1) an integrated study measuring the impact of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction intervention (MBSR) on potential stressors, appraised stress levels and adaptation to stress of MSW students enrolled in the Louisiana State University School of Social Work through a pretest posttest group design using time-series data to evaluate meditation practice; (2) a pretest posttest group design which examined changes in self-regulated learning skills; and (3) a cross-sectional survey which explored students self-reported reasons for not participating in the MBSR randomized control group study offered prior to the current study. Sample size for the integrated study was 12 females at pretest and 3 at posttest. Sample size for the survey was 56 male and female MSW students. Descriptive univariate statistics were used to summarize data addressing subjects’ potential stressors, appraised stressful situations, and adaptation to stress. Univariate statistics were used to summarize data collected about subjects’ implementation of self-reported, self-regulated learning skills. Time-series data for the pretest posttest group design were plotted on graphs for visual analysis of Psychological Stress measure (PSM-9) stress scores and subjects’ time spent meditating. A strong association emerged between Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and PSM-9 scores, indicating that high levels of appraised stress were associated with high levels of adaptation to stress. A negative association emerged between PSS and Motivational Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) scores, indicating that higher stress levels were related to lower self-regulated learning skills. In spite of extreme data, results of the group study implementing a pretest posttest group design suggested increases in meditation time and decreases in stress levels during the intervention phase for two of three subjects. Associations emerged between enrollment in field internship and lack of interest in the study, lack of interest in participation in the study, and the inability to commit to daily meditation time. Low annual income and having dependent children in the home were associated with students’ inability to commit to daily meditation time.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Catherine Lemieux



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